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tv   News  Al Jazeera  August 22, 2013 4:00pm-5:01pm EDT

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>> init is 4:00 p.m. eastern tie zone. the white house joining the international community demanding answers into the alleged use of chemical weapons in syria. robert bales, the soldier who admitted to killing more than a dozen afghan civilians say he's sorry. the justice department moves to sue texas over its voter i.d. laws saying its racist. 700,000 acres scorched in the west, now wildfires threaten yosemite park. [♪ music ]
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>> our top story, the u.s. wants answers, the u.n. is demanding access but is getting nowhere, and international outrage continues to grow over an alleged chemical attack in syria. 1300 people are believed dead. president obama urged intelligence community to quickly gather information about the use of chemical weapons in syria. the government denies that they use chemical weapons, but washington does not believe they have the means for chemical warfare. >> reporter: a day after hundreds of syrians including women and children, were killed or injured, a search among the dead for missing relatives. syrian opposition say more than 1300 people died after government forces used chemical weapons in a number of areas east and west of the capitol of
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damascus. but the shocking picture of the victims have brought swift international condemnation. the french government demanding some sort of action. >> if proven our position of france is there needs to be reaction. what does it mean? not soldiers in the field but condemnation, and i'm not going to be precise, of force. >> reporter: and germany in an act cooperatism. >> these reports are serious, and should they turn out to be true it would be a monstrosity. >> reporter: an emergency two-hour meeting of the united nations security council failed to produce an agreement on the best response.
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u.n. secretary general ban ki-moon called for a thorough investigation of incidents but ultimately it would be up to the syrian government to give their permission. they continue to deny responsibility. >> everything that has been said is ridiculous. we mean what we are saying, there is not any use of that weapon at all. the military operation taking place on the ground is a successful one, and our forces are making progress on all sides facing the armed groups. >> reporter: both russia and iran say the news of the chemical attacks are accurate. it's most likely rebel groups are behind the attacks. the syrian national coalition has called for an international investigation. they say u.n. weapons inspectors already in syria to investigate allegations of previous attacks should urgently include we
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know's atrocity as part of their mandate. there is been claims and counter claims over the use of chemical weapons during the last two years. until they end their political differences in syria the slaughtering of innocent people is likely to continue. >> president obama has directed intelligence officials to verify the reports. mike vikara joins us live from washington. a lot of outrage from the international community. what is the latest from washington. >> reporter: the officials here are joining in the outrage. they say the pictures are horrifying and they're appalled by the use of chemical weapons by the syrian regime. the question is, frankly, what are they going to do about it. the spokeswoman said the president has directed the intelligence community to start looking into this, at the same time she called for the united nations security council, the
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u.s. signatory to a letter to call for an investigative team that is already in syria. public opinion is not behind any military involvement at this point. let's hear from the state department a today. >> the red line is the use of c-w. >> reporter: now, general martin dempsey, the chairman of the joints chief of staff when testifying before congress recently with a cost estimate of some of these military options, the bottom line tony if the united states wants to do something unilaterally or militarily with its allies to stop the use of chemical weapons it could cost $1 billion a month. there is no appetite to put that in context.
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at the height of the afghan and iraq war that's what those wars were costing as well. you need troops on the ground and airstrikes to suppress and degrade assad's military capability so you can go in and do the things you need to do to control those chemical weapons. obviously that's not going to happen at this point. the question is what can be done? john mccain, of course, a strongly worded letter said that president obama called for assad's ousting two years ago and mccain calling for limited airstrikes to degrade assad's military capabilities. >> thank you. an apology from the u.s. soldier who massacred 16 afghan civilians today in court. staff sergeant robert bales, quoting what i did was an act of
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could you wa sincere did bals balsa peer in delivering that apologystopped s gathering himself in a question quiet courtroom before he started speaking. beyond the quote you gave us, tony, he also said i hope the families who traveled so far to come here, i just want to tell them i'm sorry. if i could bring their families back i would in a heartbeat. i can't comprehend their loss.
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i think about it every time i see my kids, my family. so it appears that robert bales was very emotional and sincere in his apology. we also understand that the witnesses, the afghan witness who is were brought here by the prosecution were given the they passed up that opportunity. >> so allen, another question for you on whether he should receive the chance for parole. any idea why when we might get a decision from--on that particularwe don't know we'r.
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>> we're live from washington. san diego may be looking for a new mayor. bob filner may resign to fulfill a sexual lawsuit. 1 women have accused filner of sexually had a racing them. a wildfire on the edge of the yosemite park is moving fast. wildfires are trying to get hold of that fire the cost to fight the fires have cost overe is a .
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yesterday they said the containment was at 5%. this morning they said the fire was contained at 2%. so this thing is growing. just in the last 24 hours to give you an idea of how quickly it is spreading it was 16,000 acres of fire,gs destroyed early on when the fire started a few days ago, but they were proud in terms of telling us that in the last two days no structures, no homes have been
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destroyed. >> so melissa, evacuations at this point have been voluntary. is there any indication that it may become mandatory? >> reporter: we have no indication of that as of yet. residents are definitely on alert. this fire is pushing eastward and knocking on the doors of residents keeping them posted. >> melissa chen in california. thank you. let's get an update on the conditions the firefighters are dealing with in california. dave warren is here. >> meteorologist: still pretty dry out there. they're still fighting fire with
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fire. it'now the conditions with the d flag warning in effect from california to oregon, idaho and western montana because we're getting rain with a little bit of rain and a lot of lightening. that's coming down on dry areas, so that may cause more fire or help spread the fire that is already there. satellite raiders shows pop-up showers and storms, sometimes the rain evaporates before it hits the ground, but the lightening is there. that's not the best situation out west. the rainfall amount light in oregon, idaho and wyoming. central idaho and montana might help the situation wetting the ground just a little bit. >> thank you. trading on the nasdaq is suspended for hours. ahead on al jazeera what caused the shutdown. and the push ahead of the
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investigation of a partner who helped edward snowden leak nsa secrets. >> we're going get to the wall street in just a moment, but let's go to the snowden piece. can we get to the snowden piece? all right. the saga surrounding the tension
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of the partner of a journalist who helped nsa leaker edward snowden moved to a courtroom today. david miranda's lawyers want the police to stop seeing the material that they seized on sunday: we have more now from london. >> reporter: the court's decision can best be described as a partial victory for both sides. david miranda's lawyers came here hoping to persuade the court that their client had been detained illegally when the police stopped him at heathrow. they used legislation designed to stop terrorist suspect but not journalists. the equipment seized from their client should be returned to their client and the police should be barred from examining the material on that equipment. the equipment included a laptop and memory sticks. it was confident and the confidentiality of it should be
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preserved. however, the police said the result of the material they examined they started criminal investigation. the judges said the police could hang onto the equipment. they could examine the material but only on grounds of national security. the british government issued statement welcoming the decision. >> the undertaking the police sought were stopped in their tracks, and some of the beliefs that the police sought to justify their position was rejected. we consider this to be a partial victory, and we hope to have the courts full reasoning tomorrow afternoon. >> a former egyptian president hosni mubarak is spending the night in a military hospital.
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mubarak may be out of jail but he's not a free man. once he leaves the hospital he will be in house arrest and there is still a chance he'll be back in prison. david jackson back from cairo. how is mubarak's release playing out on th the streets of cairo? >> reporter: well, i think it's playing out better than people expected. one of the reasons for that is he's not free, as you mentioned. he was free and clear of anything there may have been more of a strong reaction. there really isn't. he has been taken to this military hospital where he's being held under 24-hour house arrest. he ha is watched all the time, e can't believe the country, the only people who can visit him are his immediate family members. he's there until he faces another trial which begins as soon as sunday. that really leaves him in a condition that has left most people here satisfied that he's
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still being held. >> david, it's an interesting coincidence, is it not that one former leader has been freed, while another, mohamed morsi, remains in detention? >> reporter: yes, there is no doubt about it. having both of them come up to trial as you mentioned coming up as soon as sunday, the 25th of august, you have both of these men going into trial for different reasons. i mean, it certainly is peculiar, no doubt about it. the situation on the mubarak situation is they feel the revolution that took place in january 2011 didn't take place at all. they feel yes he's held but he's somewhat free, and it feels like they rolled back the arab spring of january 2011, and there is certainly a disappointment about that. but of course you have to measure that against the fact that there are a lot of people upset about the turmoil and killings that have taken place in the last week. a lot of them look back at the
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mubarak situation when he was president and say he was president for 30 years but at the very least it was generally peaceful. some people have said that feels better to them than some of the ongoing situation that has taken place now. so there really is a mixed feeling. i do want to mention something quickly. we're looking at a busy, busy street in cairo that normally would have been full of traffic. we're under curfew. tomorrow's curfew is more intense than today. it's the day that the muslim brotherhood has called for demonstrations out in the street. we'll have to see what happens. that will be about 2:00 our time. >> big time frustration on wall street today halted trading on the nasdaq stock exchange. for apple, google stocks were paralyzed for more than three
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hours. patricia, what happened. >> reporter: basically what we have here today is a software glitch. it was a glitch in the software that disseminates pricing information for buying and sel selling stocks between exchanges. >> it feels like a big deal. was it? >> reporter: well, it really depends on what kind of trader and investor you are. if you're a day trader in and out of the market all day, this was a huge headache. but for mom and pop investors not so much. we didn't have a lot of information in the market today. there wasn't a lot of market making news. >> volume down. >> reporter: it's august, a lot of people are at the beach eating ice cream. if it had to happen on any day, this was the day to have it happen on. >> is there a fix? is there a patch? could it happen again? >> reporter: nobody knows how this happened, why it went wrong, but for the every day investors we spoke with one equity strategist who put it in perspective for us.
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>> can we get some sound? >> reporter: it's more of a frustration at the end of the day did people lose money? no. this is a different type of technology glitch and not one that should cause major shelfer concern. >> reporter: again what i was saying had this happened on a day where there was really big news like the monthly employment report or fed meeting this would have been a different story. this would have been a migraine. >> we turn to sports, developing news in the case of a former nfl player. >> reporter: tight end aaron hernandez is one step closer to possibly facing life in prison. hernandez indicted on a first-degree murder charge in the death of a former friend.
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defense attorneys for hernandez said evidence against him is circumstantial. and the international olympic committee say russians have guaranteed them that athletes and partners will be protected from anti-gay feeling.
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mission. >> there's more to ame
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>> the syrian regime seems to be confident. they've heard those words before. russia, china block any resolution or any statements demanding an official investigation on exactly what happened in the suburbs of damascus. so at the same time the opposition demanding that some sort of investigation is lost, is held. they've lost faith in the international community. you talk to them, and they say well if the united nations is not going to act, we don't understand why the u.n. weapons investigating team are still in
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damascus. why are they investigating something happened months ago when there is an incident that happened hours ago, an incident that they're claiming the government used chemical weapons. it is highly unlikely we're going to see action for the time being. at the end of the day we do know it's not just russia and china blocking any movement or blocking any u.n. action. we do know that the u.s. administration is quite concerned about getting involved in syria because of what is on the ground, groups on the ground are not supporting their interests, and we're seeing the growing strength of al-qaida in syria. >> the u.n. has expressed deep concern of the use of chemical warfare in sara syria.
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john both the secretary general and the high general have spoken out against the attacks. >> reporter: that's exactly right. secretary general ban ki-moon said reaction should be made without delay. he has asked for the 20-man team on the ground to investigate the mandate into this accusation. meanwhile, the high commission of human rights called what has happened is exceptionally grave. the syrian government denies what happened, and it comes less than 24 hours after the security council turned in a very watered down, it was only remarks to the
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press, nothing more than that, in the statement on what happened in syria, tony. >> how likely is it when you get right down to it that the syrian government will allow the u.n. team to investigate the site of this alleged attack? >> reporter: well, when you get right down to it, as you put it, i think there is very, very little chance that this is going to be investigated at all. i'm afraid that's just the way of the world. the best indication of that was the division we saw in the security council. i mean, they couldn't even agree to come up with anything more than vague remarks to the press. this wasn't any kind of formal response, really, certainly wasn't any kind of normal tool that they have to really rebuke a government. i think you also have to remember, tony, the team on the ground in damascus, their mandate is only to investigate three previous uses of chemical weapons. they're not even supposed to
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apportion blame. they're just there to work out whether chemical weapons were used in syria on three previous occasions. therefore when you add that all up it's very unlikely that the syrian government will give them permission to look at this latest one. they wanted to look at it swiftly because the experts say the longer you leave it the less proof there is that illegal weapons were ever used. >> a military court trying army major nadal hassan said he used ththe fort as his own kill zone. we have more now from fort hood. >> reporter: his silence did not surprise anyone. the army major who confessed to the worst mass shooting on a military installation gave no closing argument. he said all along that he's the killer. >> reporter: it's exceedingly
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rare where you have the prosecution and the defense essentially agreeing to the defense's guilt. >> reporter: law professor chris jenks led the army's law branch. he said the jury will find hassan guilty. they're looking through 700 pieces of evidence from the prosecution, including bullets removed from the victims. paper towels hassan stuffed into his pockets to mask the sound of 420 clinching rounds and the pistols he admitted used to kill 13 people. guilt will be clearcut for the jury. it's the sentencing phase that will face more questions. jurors will have to decide between life in prison and death. jenks notes the u.s. has not executed a u.s. service member since 1961. >> so historically that would suggest that major hassan will
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languish on death row and not actually be executed. >> reporter: things work differently in the military's legal system. it follows a command structure and any death penalty conviction would trig arrest series of automatic appeals that work their way all the way to the president. the process that can take decades. but hassan said he would be a martyr if executed. he may refuse to appeal a death penalty sentence. the move would be unprecedented but in this case expect the unexpected. >> expect the unexpected. heidi, i'm wondering how long has the jury been deliberating so far? >> reporter: well, checking the clock right now, tony, two and a half hours behind closed doors. you would think with the facts of this ways laid out that it would be cut and dry they would expect a quick verdict. but on the other hand there are 45 charge before this panel, not
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including the lesser included offenses. there really is no telling. the judge has instructed them to be meticulous in combing through the evidence, so there is no telling. >> this week five men accused of plotting the 911 attacks are attending hear negotiation guantanamo bay. in the courtroom they're joined by people who lost loved once that day. >> reporter: there were teary eyes in the room as family members talk about why they came to guantanamo for the loved ones they lost on 9/11. the newlywed whose body was found in the rubble on what would have been her one-year anniversary. >> you can't help but have that all rise up to the surface again.
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it wells up again. >> reporter: all week they've been sitting in the same room as the five men charged with training and funding the 9/11 hijackers. >> i was kind of scared. i walked in, and i just saw them sitting there, just trying to imagine them plotting and planning all, getting the planes and driving the planes into trade center. it's just so hard to imagine that, that really happened. my daughter's gone. >> reporter: in court on wednesday the family members heard from attorneys talking about how as an american he struggled to build a relationship and forge trust with his client. he said mohammed is often bewildered by the legal process. >> it's hard for him to understand how members of the military who want to kill him on the battlefield can judge and give him a fair trial. >> reporter: family members say
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they understand the defense has a job to do, and they want the five defendants to get a fair trial. >> let's set the trial up so that it can be successful, get the convictions and senses that will not be overthrown by appe appeal. then we have victory. >> reporter: it's been a long journey towards the trial that may be begin as early as next year. >> we will never ever, ever have closure. we're never going to hear our brothers, our husbands, our daughters, our sons. we've lost that. >> reporter: this week they're here to bear witness for their loved ones. >> it's something that doesn't go away for us at all. >> reporter: al jazeera, guantanamo bay. >> back to our top story now the u.s. has joined the international community demanding answers for the alleged chemical attacks i here to help us understand the
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inspection process in syria, charles, thank you for being here. have you seen enough evidence to convince you what we've been showing pictures of, what the international community has been reacting to is chemical weapons against kurds. >> what is needed? whato bringo strictly say
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if chemical agent was usedded or not used. >> that's interesting. let me pick up on that point. is there a way once you conduct
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this investigation, you determine the type of chemical we're talking about here to determine even though it's not a part of this u.n. investigation team's mission, to determine who was responsible for that it.
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but i doubt that will happen. >> thank you very much. the owners of the fukushima nuclear plant pleaded help on the international level. thas president obama tries to ratchet up support for his economic policies he's targeting a key demographic, young voters. so today in up state new york he focused on the soars cost of education. >> reporter: at the university of buffalo the president announced the ambitious changes to make colleges for affordbled and accountable for their costs. >> college has never been more expensive. over the past three decades the average tuition at a public
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four-year college has gone up by more than 250%. >> reporter: so the president said he will use executive orders and lobby for new legislation that would make changes within two years. the plan he said is three components. help students pay back loan debt. give universities new incentives to control cost, and establish a new ratings system. >> what we want to do is rate them on who is offering the best value so students and tax payers get a better bang for their buck. >> reporter: the american council on education which represents universities reacted cautiously describing the president's effort as a sweeping thoughtful proposal which many details that will have to be explored in the weeks and months ahead. at the university of buffalo where instate tuition were you room and board is over $20,000 a year and out of state students can expect to pay $32,000, the reaction from students was more upbeat. >> everything that he put in place i think definitely would
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help me personally. coming out of school i don't want to be $80,000 in debt or pay it all as soon as i get out. >> the first year i'm okay with loans but i don't want to be crippled with it. >> reporter: the president's two-day bus store through up state new york and pennsylvania. >> we'll keep fighting to make sure that this remains a country where if you work hard, study hard, you're responsible you are rewarded. >> reporter: all of this is part of a larger emphasis to show that he's still trying to help the middle class. >> reporter: and by connecting with college students there is an added political benefit. his administration is counting onioninger americans and the administration's implement healthcare reform even if college students and younger americans are a bit more concerned about paying back student loans. >> thank you, david schuster for us. martin luther king jr.'s i have a dream speech, and half a
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century has passed and king's dream speech has not been realized. less than half americans feel that progress has been made towards achieving racial equality. 70% believe and 37 blacks and 3s believe they are treated unfairly. blacks earn 59 perso 59% of whae earn. and blacks are three times more likely to below the federal poverty level. still to come the fighting spirit of the people of mexico. playing out on the football field.
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and later the case against the former nfl player charged with murder took another step today. mike eaves joins us next with the latest on aaron hernandez. >> over the past six years nearly 70,000 people in mexico have died in the so-called war on drugs. the city which suffered some of the greatest losses. three years ago it was the
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murder capitollivity world. today it's showing signs of recovering. we have the report on a city trying to turn around. >> reporter: if you want to understand the fighting spirit of a people, look no further than the jaguars. most of these players have been scared by violence. a mother, a brother, or cousin killed in mexico's drug war. and the team itself lost members in the worst massacre this city received. among them, lupita's 17-year-old son. >> of course it's difficult to come to a football field. i say to myself i wish i could see him run one more time. but i know he's here. i can feel his spirit. >> reporter: never missing a game is important to mama lupita, as she's known among the players. getting kids off the streets and on the field is crucial to
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recovery. >> reporter: this is rodrigo's number. 17 other people died that night in a massacre, and it became a turning point for this country, forcing the government to act. it spent hundreds of millions of dollars on social programs, but that money is now dried up, and many are worried that the progress that was made may be lost. some say that they never felt that investment. like erma, a factory worker. her children and grandchildren rely on her alone. one year ago her daughter, like many women in the city went missing. and now she's lost a son. murdered during one of the most violent weeks in the city this year. >> it's worse. it didn't used to be this bad. now they kill you for the littlest things. >> reporter: watching her grandchildren finish a tribute to her son have no doubt that they are lives will be hard. at the grave of their son,
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lupita and her husband are determined to stay positive. their demand, the action to stop violence. back on the field the coach challenges his players to give more to the team and each other. >> my son always said, mom, you can't stop running. that's what we're trying to do as a family. trying to move forward. it's difficult but not impossible. >> reporter: a lesson for her family, and she says for a city still struggle to go recover. al jazeera, mexico. >> michael eaves is here, and michael, the aaron hernandez story has taken a turn. >> reporter: not shocking the news but just another step in the process. a grand jury in massachusetts indicted ex-new england patriot tight end aaron hernandez today in the murder of a former frie friend. the indictment which also includes weapons counts charged
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hernandez with the murder of oden lloyd who was dating the sister of hernandez's sister. he's currently being held without bail. the police have yet to find the murder weapon. attorneys for hernandez say they're confident they can clear their clients' name and that the case is circumstantial vanderbilt university decided to suspend athletes. >> vanderbilt is a school with a salad academic reputation. it's football program coming off a record winning streak. but now they face a major hurdle. a rape scandal involving four former players. >> there is a lot of shock. just an unsettling feeling.
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>> reporter: the former players stand accused of sexually assaulting a 21-year-old unconscious student in june. a fifth player and two california men are accused of taking part in an attempted cover up. >> if all the allegations are true, then i personally can't believe something like that could happen here. >> that took over the show. >> reporter: willie, a former vanderbilt athlete has covered the team on radio for more than 20 years. he said the allegations immediately bring to mind other assault cases like players from steubenville. he said vanderbilt's decision was quick and firm. >> they banned the kids from campus, kicked them off the team. it was important to mention that the victim was a student as well. they didn't put the team and those players before the victim. >> reporter: it's not clear what impact the decision will have on
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the team and recruiting efforts, but the issue of sexual assaults on college campuses particularly by college athletes has been attracting more attention in recent months. a study conducted in 1995 while throats represent 3% of the male student population they're responsible for 19% of reported sexual assaults on university campuses. some vanderbilt students believe it's an ongoing problem. >> i know they're saying a lot of reports that people are saying that they reported and the university doesn't really take it seriously. they're not happy about that, so they're happy that vanderbilt is taking action. >> reporter: the five accused players waived their rights to appear in court on wednesday. all pleaded not guilty through their lawyers. school officials declined to speak with us, but its likely to cast a shadow on the upcoming
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season. >> as it relates to the up coming season for vanderbilt none of the players charged with sexual assault have yet to play for the commodores although vanderburg was expected to be a player at tight end. one player would who advised the players to cover up the incident was a second receiver, he was suspended from the team while the other four players have been kicked off and banned from campus. aftethe international olympc economy said they have been assured that visitors to the upcoming olympic games in sochi will be welcome despite sexual orientation. the law passed in june in russia banned the so-called propagand
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propagandizing. >> appreciate it. thank you. >> deep in louisiana's cajun country is a community that is being swallowed by a massive sinkhole formed a year ago. >> reporter: for people who haven't seen this bea bayou, its beautiful. >> it burnt your nose. it burnt your throat. it was horrible. >> reporter: natural gas and crude oil was swirling around. >> it was may 30, 2012, that dennis and his wife floating down the bayou noticed something they had never seen. these bubbles coming straight up from under the water. natural gas, and then to the left, 500 feet down this bayou, a sinkhole was forming.
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>> reporter: what used to be a beautiful marsh was now being sucked into the depths of the earth. the swamp was upside down. >> the trees were just bobbing. >> reporter: last summer scientists around the world state and federal regulators arrived. assumption parish ordered evacuation of the 350 residents, while officials tried to figure out exactly what was happening. >> to our knowledge it has never happened anywhere in the world. this is an unprecedented event. >> reporter: houston based texas brian is responsible, drilling and extracting of salt over the years say caused a collapse of the earth. sucking the life above into the depth. and according to state emergency officials creating danger on the surface. >> she was three when we were evacuated. now she's four. >> reporter: for karla, her paradise is gone as she and her family left home last august. they now are part of a federal
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class action lawsuit against the company seeking damages as their lives have been shaken. >> it was our life. we planned that, and now it's gone. >> reporter: one year after the disaster almost half have left taking cash settlements from texas brian. for those who still live here there are signs of the frustration, wells to release the natural gas under the community. >> it's methane. >> reporter: that's the main reason why people left. >> we wish we had a magic wanted to change everything, but it's happened, and we tried to respond in an appropriate way. >> reporter: state officials say it could take three to five years to vent all of the gas as the sinkhole now the size of nearly 20 football fields continues to grow. flying over this manmade disaster texas brian tells us that nature will dictate what happens here yet state officials
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have real doubts that the bayou will ever be the same. for those who stayed. >> it is not lost yet. it might be blemished, but it's not lost yet. >> reporter: they're suing texas brian for environmental damage and response to the disaster. al jazeera, louisiana. >> let's get a check of weather now. here is dave. >> meteorologist: we're looking at rain across the country and that's leading to changing weather. i'll have more in the forecast next. ç]
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>> meteorologist: we're starting in the pacific. this picture was taken from the philippines and it was over at least 40 inches of rain caused a lot of problems there, that was monsoon moisture from typhoon trami which is now over china. it's still dumping a lot of rain in that area. flooding a big concern in the philippines and china with this storm over the last two days. now we're talking about rain and the lack of it in the upper midwest. the showers are pushing south, and here is the changing weather. you're dealing with a shower and storm there in chicago. there is the rain down south with pop-up storms. this is cooler air moving in. the temperatures will drop a bit. chicago, minneapolis, rain is coming down and cooler air is approaching from the northern plains. that's moving south and eventually pushing east. rain coming down in the northeast now. there are heavier showers and storms that will cause flooding in the philadelphia area and
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also around new york showers there. a little break and a line developing. stronger storms moving through pennsylvania now. that will continue to move east. expected rainfall in the next 24 hours. you see once the rain moves through its done. there is still coming down through new england states and rain in philadelphia and washington, d.c. what to expect the next five days the temperatures get cooler. there is the cooler air dropping to 80 with sunshine. it looks like a nice weekend before the temperatures climb back in the mid 80th. southeast dealing with rain especially across florida. you see moisture coming in across the gulf. the rain now pushing up into georgia. the temperatures climbing, and close to 90 with rain coming down. a lot of rain with heavier amounts in the southeast. this is what to expect for the next 24 hours. now over the weekend maybe that rain will clear out just a bit by sunday. in atlanta showers and thunderstorms friday, saturday, and there is sunshine with a
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high of 82. 84 and 87 monday and tuesday. it starts to warm up just a bit with the start of next week. 91 in memphis. close to 90 in miami, and phoenix is up to 101. as the temperatures continue to climb these numbers climb as well really heating up in the southwest and still fairly warm in the northwest, but not quite enough rain coming down there. any showers or storms that do develop there is not a lot of rain that comes down but there is lightening. so fires are the big situation there in seattle, san francisco, the coast is a little cooler but inland we have that hot, dry weather with lightening coming down. so these fire weather warnings remain in affect in california, idaho, and western montana. that's a look at the national forecast. stay with us, we'll have another look at the headlines coming up.
5:00 pm
hello, again, everyone, i'm tony harris. the u.s. has joined the international community demanding answer for the alleged chemical attacks in syria. hundreds are dead including women and children. the syrian government denies using toxic weapons. an apology from robert bales in court said, quote . . . hosni mubarak has been released from prison. this is the moment the


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